Q & A

Q1: How will the class run? One topic for all to speak? 请问上课形式是怎样的?是不是留一个主题,然后学生准备演讲呢?

A: Although the club running in a virtual style, the agenda we are using is the same as the onsite way prior to covid 19. Using the same chapter of Gavel Club, a youth division under Toastmasters Int’l.  Each time there is one primary speaker, who prepare the specific topic and will be the 1st one to speak in the class, usually it’ takes 3-5minutes;  we will also arrange all the rest of the youths to make a speech called table topic, such topic is not pre-arranged, while randomly assigned. 
现在我们现在是网上授课,但是和现场的上课方是法基本是一样的,这个做法是按照国际演讲协会”头马“的下属机构Gavel Cub的标准流程来做的:每次活动有一个主讲,大概三到五分钟, 一般上次活动结束前会拟定好一个主题,下次活动前准备好, 下次活动时上台演讲改”命题作文”。除了主讲之外,其他的会员有机会轮流讲,叫做table topic,每个人都会有机会现场即时发挥。

Either way when the speaker is talking, there is Evaluator(youth) listen carefully and write down their feeling, the Evaluatior has to make a speach to report to the audience his/hers evaluation reslult: which speaker, what part is good, what part is still weak etc., and the Evaluator need to stand up to tell the audience his/her evaluation result when the timecose. 活动的后半段会有人专门负责记录评判哪些地方做得好或者不好, 需要站立起来告诉大家自己的评判。

There is also chance to have the youth to debate, either one to one, or goup A to group B(3-6persons usualy each group).  还有辩论,有一对一的辩论,也有小组间的辩论(一般3-6人/租)

There are mentors(adults) mentors(Volunteers) attend every class to watching over the class running, and the mentors will guide the youth to organize the events,  also will share their experience on public speaking and leadership.
整个过程都有成人在旁边观察指导(2-3人), 引导大家组织好每次的活动, 及分享他们自己的演讲技巧。

These mentors (Penny Beaty, Chris Ho, Max Hu) have rich experience in public speaking and leadership.  三位导师有丰富的公众演讲和领导组织能力来辅助学生。

Q2:How can I sign up (请问怎么报名参加)?

A:First fill in the form for registration, we will share zoom ID (wechat group) inside of wechat group “USGG Parent Info night” or whatsapp group, as well as other regular class related information.
先要填表注册,我们会分享ZOOM ID在微信群“USGG parent info night ” 内, 或者相关whatsapp 群内, 也会在这两个群内发布其他后续的一切演讲活动信息。

Please click to download the registration form (请点击下载注册表):

Q3 : When does the class begin (请问什么时候开课)?

*Report cards will be sent out at the end of the term    

*There will be strong communication with parents

2021 Spring Session Calendar (Dates in red)

Q4: What age is suitable for children?请问适合多大年龄段的孩子参加?

A:9-17 years old (9-17岁)

Q5 : Class size? 一般有每节课有多少位学生?
A :
Usually 10-15, max 25.  10多位,, 最多25位

Q6 : Pay membersip fee in USD$ or CAD$?   会员费是用美金还是加币付?
A :
C$  加币    

Q7 : How much does the class cost? (如何收费)?

A : Registration annual fee : $55 for fall sesson (11times)

Q8 : How to remit money ( 怎么汇款 ) ?

A : Membership fee E-transfer (会员费电子转账) :

to “spirityouth101@gmail.com”, Payment question “what for”, Answer “usg2020”; send screen shot wire proof to wechat ID“ihomemike” or Email to “info@unitedspeakers.club”
收款账号“spirityyouth101@gmail.com“, 付款问题请统一填写“what for” , 答案统一为”usg2020″,汇款后请截屏发送到微信号“ihomemike”或电子邮件至”info@unitedspeakers.club